Time & Location
The garden is open to members from dawn until dusk daily. Guests are welcome to come enjoy and harvest in the garden throughout the week. Currently, Saturdays from 8am-10am we are open for volunteering. Subscribe to our newsletter for other special times and events.
The garden is located at 19 Marywood ct. When joining us in the garden please bring water and wear closed toe shoes. Click the button below to view opportunities.
What to expect...
You want the best food- grow it yourself. Everyone is welcome to come and grow. The garden is organic only using environmentally safe products and sustainable methods to grow fruits and veggies. As part of the garden you can
Rent your own raised bed and plant what you want. This is your own space. If you need help growing, we'll lend a hand
Co-op garden with neighbors and share harvested produce. This is what you can expect at various times of the year
- Fruit: Banana's, Cantaloupe , Blackberries, Loquat, Grapes
- Veggies: Okra, Cucumbers, Peppers, Beans, Greens
Garden Activity Highlights
This year over 200 individuals have volunteered in the Garden including college groups, corporate outings, and families. Their combined time adds to more than 80 volunteer workdays.
A core of 10 regular volunteers support the garden on a weekly basis.
In partnership with Compost Now, the Garden has diverted over 1000 pounds of kitchen scraps and composted it for future use in the Garden.
Working with local arborists, we have diverted 80+ yards of tree mulch from landfills for use in our gardens.
The Garden and NOEH have hosted monthly farmer’s markets to support healthy eating in a food desert.
Around 3000 pounds of food has been distributed through the Garden and Farmers Markets

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